Computer Literacy Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Gajera International School, aiming to empower learners with essential knowledge about technology and its responsible use. The event underscored the importance of being digitally literate in today’s fast-evolving technological landscape.
The highlight of the celebration was an insightful presentation on Cyber Security, led by the school’s Technology Club members. The presentation shed light on crucial topics such as protecting personal information, recognizing phishing attempts, and the importance of creating strong passwords. It emphasized practical tips for staying safe in the digital world, catering to the needs of young digital users.

Additionally, learners were shown informative videos on cybercrimes, which depicted real-life scenarios of online fraud, hacking, and identity theft. These videos served as eye-openers, illustrating the potential dangers of the internet and the significance of cautious online behaviour.
The active involvement of the Technology Club members made the event more interactive and engaging. They not only presented key concepts but also answered questions from their peers, fostering a collaborative learning environment. The learners left the session with valuable insights into safe and responsible technology usage.

By celebrating Computer Literacy Day, Gajera International School reaffirmed its commitment to equipping its learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a digitally-driven world. The event was a significant step towards building a tech-savvy and secure community.