Every year 25th December is celebrated as a Tulsi Poojan Day and Christmas. It is a day, where the sacred Tulsi plant is planted and worshipped. It is believed that the Tulsi plant carries medicinal powers, and can bring health and prosperity, to those who use it. The importance of celebration is to create awareness among learners to give the benefits of Tulsi Herb and also make the learners to understand that helping the needy people whenever and wherever required. Through this celebration educators inculcated the value of sharing is caring and in the morning worship the Tulsi Plant at their home.

Gajera International School has celebrated Christmas and Tulsi Pujan with great devotion and festivity in our school with bells, streamers and a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. The learners came dressed in different colourful dress up which added unique touch to the entire celebrations. The most significant event was when Santa came to the school and gave surprise to all the learners. Learners enjoyed playing and eating chocolates with them. There was also a surprise element and that was SANTA CLAUS. Educators also taught them that our family members are done our all the wishes through drama. So, in today’s life they are our real Santa. Learners preformed the dance depicting that God has a power to change every situation and make humans happy.