Gajera International School organized an enriching Orientation Session for the educators on Saturday, 16th November 2024. The session, led by academician Ms. Shreya Lalwani, focused on designing lesson plans based on Multiple Intelligence Theory and Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
The speaker emphasized the importance of addressing diverse learner needs through the principles of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. She elaborated on how educators could craft lessons that cater to varied intelligences, such as as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligence. Educators were encouraged to design activities that cater to diverse learning needs, ensuring every learner is engaged and empowered. The workshop aimed to equip educators with innovative tools to create inclusive and impactful lesson plans. It emphasized the integration of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory, which identifies different learning styles.

Further, Bloom’s Taxonomy was another critical aspect of the session, guiding educators to formulate objectives that range from basic knowledge recall to higher-order thinking skills like evaluation and creation. The framework’s six levels—Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating—were discussed in detail. Educators learned how to align lesson objectives and assessments with these cognitive levels, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills in learners.
The interactive seminar provided a platform for educators to engage in dynamic activities, both in teams and as individuals. These activities challenged participants to apply theoretical concepts practically, resulting in a vibrant and collaborative learning environment. Educators brainstormed innovative ways to integrate these strategies into their teaching methodologies, ensuring learner-centered and holistic learning experiences. These exercises encouraged educators to collaborate, brainstorm, and create lesson plans that reflect the discussed theories. The hands-on approach not only made the session dynamic but also fostered a creative and inclusive learning environment among the participants.

The session was not just an academic exercise but also an opportunity to foster creativity and teamwork. By the end of the program, educators felt inspired and equipped to make their lessons more effective and inclusive. This orientation was a step forward in nurturing educators’ professional growth and enhancing the overall teaching-learning process at Gajera International School. It reiterated the institution’s commitment to delivering learner-centered, holistic education.